
"Bohus" is Mats Eriksson's debut album from 2010, now in a new edition.

It was a great little CD released in 2010, and now 13 years later it sounds just as good. 

The album is produced by Mats himself, and the music moves seamlessly and soulfully between jazz, blues and folk songs - all underlined by Mats Eriksson's unique guitar tone.

The opening song 'The Preacher' sets the tone for what's to come: this is music that heals your soul. 

The album is sometimes playfully whimsical - as in "Summer & Soul" or "Malte's world" - and sometimes with a clear connection to Mats' home region in Bohus - just listen to "Waltz of The Salty Lake" or "Trust" - but always with that special appeal of trust, as in "Bumba Faffa" or "Evening Sea Breeze".

Mats is accompanied on these recordings by Stefan Wingefors on bass and Göran Kroon on drums, and together they create a completely unique Swedish roots record, right in the borderland where music genres cease to be relevant. 

It becomes a question of whether or not the music affects the listener, and "Bohus" is just as affecting today as it was when it was recorded. 

This is timeless music, a masterpiece to return to.

Dextra Music 2024


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About Mats

Mats Eriksson's career path has somehow always been a given. When he was four years old, sitting in the kitchen playing with pots and pans, he knew he was going to be a drummer and he stuck to that throughout his childhood and late teens. He was wrong, the guitar became his main instrument, but in his guitar playing you can clearly hear the influences and rhythmic experiences he gained from the years behind the drum kit.

Leaving aside genes, which possibly lay a foundation of integrity and strong artistic will, he is a musical product of the Swedish folk movement, American jazz/blues tradion and today's "world music".

Mats grew up in an environment of hymns, folk songs, jazz and classical music. As a child, he came into close contact with different musical expressions and the personalities of modern jazz. Other influences from his early years were Bob Marley's reggae and early blues music.

As a guitarist, he also played at a young age with choirs such as the Gothenburg Chamber Choir, the Oslo Chamber Choir with conductor Grete Pedersen, VoNo with conductor Lone Larsen, and a number of choirs in more temporary contexts in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe.

Mats' guitar playing reflects all these worlds: the care for the Nordic folk melodies, the American jazz tradition and more recently the contact with American minimalism, modal music and not least African music.

Mats' compositions also grow in this soil of simple ballads to advanced jazz songs. An important part of his music-making has also been the interaction with sing and song writers and actors and his lifelong collaboration with Daniel Lemma.

In recent years Mats, in collaboration with his wife My Engström-Renman, has produced children's music as the duo "My & Mats" and bossa nova interpretations as the duo "Mats & My".


Video release week 30 August

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Contact us

Questions and booking, contact Mats at